Woke cancel culture was always going to create its opposite
If you claim a right to censor others, you cannot act alarmed or surprised when people censor you.
If you claim a right to censor others, you cannot act alarmed or surprised when people censor you.
In 2021 I was involved, with colleagues in Heterodox New Zealand, in administering a version of Heterodox Academy’s Campus Expression Survey to New Zealand undergraduate students. The seven of us published the results the following year. What follows is my write-up of the responses we received to one question in particular. This section was understandably cut from our publication of […]
Our speech is being compelled and censored, and our legacy media giants are complicit, parroting the party line on every major news and opinion network.
Failing health, housing, policing, education, transport, and infrastructure are now directly impacting middle class lives, options and opportunities.
As the concert was on Mother’s Day, some of the audience would also have been grandmothers.
We were often paid in caps. They were the bit-coin of 80s South Auckland.
To speak truth to power is, internally to universities, perceived to be a foolish, dangerous act.
The censor never dreams for a moment that they themselves should potentially be a target.
For far too long, the narrative portrayed by those on the Left and in the media is that Māori are victims of the system and yet the Left continue to be the ones who perpetuate the victim mentality by limiting Māori with nonsense narratives.
Whenever I visited Sydney, and then fetched up again at Auckland airport, would the Immigration official grill me about rugby, and arrange for me to be deported if I gave the wrong answer???