Do prison reformers and free speech advocates want the same thing?
“… even in the most extreme cases, justice cannot be divorced from humanity. To debase one is to debase all.” – Dane Giraud
“… even in the most extreme cases, justice cannot be divorced from humanity. To debase one is to debase all.” – Dane Giraud
I sign this Treaty with my hand, but with the mana of my ancestors. So said Hōne Heke, the first rangatira (chief) to sign the Treaty of Waitangi. To emphasise the gravity of this sentiment, he then mentioned two of his predecessors by name: Kaharau and Kauteawha. It would be difficult to imagine a statement that could […]
“Silence in the face of abuse is not merely complicity; it enables injustice.” – Jonathan Ayling.
“My contribution to the consultation on safety measures for the use of puberty blockers is
simple: ban the use of puberty blockers to ‘treat’ gender-related health issues in New Zealand.” – @aniobrien
“Allowing the Government to dole out shares of the spoils to different media groups via a levy system – whether public or private companies – is no less dubious an arrangement than the PIJF deal proved to be.” – Nick Hanne
“Smith’s research refutes all claims by local pro-sex trade lobbyists” – Yvonne Van Dongen
“The people of Israel have prevailed against their genocidal enemies for more than 3,500 years and they no doubt will do so again.” – Sheree Trotter (@shereetrotter1)
“Our challenge, then as now, is to facilitate the organic growth of a New Zealand culture, not the synthetic, deliberate choosing and mixing of elements” – Mike Grimshaw
The recent riots in the UK and the government’s heavy-handed response, marked by censorship and imprisonments, have raised concerns. Under the leadership of new Prime Minster Keir Starmer, the state’s approach to managing dissent appears increasingly authoritarian. Social media mogul Elon Musk has also come under fire for allowing for, and himself posting, misinformation. Tony […]