Friday, February 7

Author: Mike Grimshaw

The blah leading the blah

The blah leading the blah

Failing health, housing, policing, education, transport, and infrastructure are now directly impacting middle class lives, options and opportunities.

Stupor Rugby?

Stupor Rugby?

Super Rugby is faced with a crisis – what is the pay-off between capitalism and meaning?

A field guide to the Culture Wars

A field guide to the Culture Wars

…we see demands for daily confessions and penance – but little if any forgiveness. We find ourselves in a society where the Spanish Inquisition meets Calvin’s Geneva.

Lowering the IQ of one country…

Lowering the IQ of one country…

“Hipkins’ sausage roll scoffing small town social democracy is one many New Zealanders increasingly want to leave behind, figuratively, societally and increasingly, literally.” – Mike Grimshaw

How New Zealand can begin to leave mediocracy behind
Culture, Politics

How New Zealand can begin to leave mediocracy behind

We may not yet quite be at the UK experience of ‘the university scam’ and the way too many students are conned into believing any degree (‘C’s get degrees’…), funded by deeply problematic student loans will provide them options it clearly will not, but in many ways we are not far off.