An Abundance Agenda manifesto for Aotearoa
“I would much rather that we live in a society of mutual abundance and optimism than our current experience of pessimism and scarcity” – Mike Grimshaw
“I would much rather that we live in a society of mutual abundance and optimism than our current experience of pessimism and scarcity” – Mike Grimshaw
“I would still go to the pub of rugby, or more often the televised off-licence, but what was on offer was increasingly the sporting equivalent of Speights.” – Mike Grimshaw
“For it is in our new dark age that Free Speech – and its opposition – is too often used as a substitute for and dismissal of free thought.” – Michael Grimshaw
“are we in a doom-loop of repetition of national and cultural failing? And if so, what could we do?” – Michael GrImshaw
“Our challenge, then as now, is to facilitate the organic growth of a New Zealand culture, not the synthetic, deliberate choosing and mixing of elements” – Mike Grimshaw
Free speech and tertiary education in NZ Given the recent debates, disputes, and discussions concerning free speech in New Zealand universities, it’s timely to go back and examine a forgotten episode from which we might learn how – and how not – to proceed today. In a time where issues of free speech are somehow […]
“Why is there the need for a Free Speech Union if there is a Council for Civil Liberties?” – Mike Grimshaw
“…we need to ensure the family unit is more than just a traditional nuclear family and even Thatcher endorsed that” – Mike Grimshaw
“… left and right increasingly mean little in New Zealand and haven’t for decades” – Mike Grimshaw
“Our inner cities are now for those deemed ‘non-people’: those who are socio-economic zombies” – Mike Grimshaw