“Smith’s research refutes all claims by local pro-sex trade lobbyists” – Yvonne Van Dongen
“Smith’s research refutes all claims by local pro-sex trade lobbyists” – Yvonne Van Dongen
“Oddly the growth in surrogacy is against the backdrop of what we now know about the impact of adoption on both birth mothers and adopted people, who have reported that adoption can be traumatic.” – Yvonne van Dongen
:The strain of absorbing so many people from differing faiths, education levels and cultures is evident and should act as a warning to New Zealand.” – Yvonne Van Dongen
“Why do I say these issues are substitutes for religion? Because they come with their own irrefutable ideology, their own priestly class” – Yvonne Van Dongen
“… where are all the voices protesting against this state-sanctioned conversion treatment for gay children? – Yvonne Van Dongen
“Gender ideology is infused right throughout the curriculum, says RGE spokesperson Fern Hickson. She knows of a school where pronouns are discouraged in order to prevent giving offence” – Yvonne van Dongen
If ever there was a demonstration of the saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, this issue is it.