VUW Free Speech Event Shows Why Government Intervention is Now Necessary
“My own experience as a lecturer at VUW over the past decade has long convinced me that the universities cannot be reformed without outside intervention.” – @Kleisthenes2
“My own experience as a lecturer at VUW over the past decade has long convinced me that the universities cannot be reformed without outside intervention.” – @Kleisthenes2
In 2021 I was involved, with colleagues in Heterodox New Zealand, in administering a version of Heterodox Academy’s Campus Expression Survey to New Zealand undergraduate students. The seven of us published the results the following year. What follows is my write-up of the responses we received to one question in particular. This section was understandably cut from our publication of […]
Māori today often fulfils the role that Latin would have played for our Pākehā forefathers. It is, in short, a ceremonial language. And, perhaps, a way of signalling class.
The extraordinary take-off of scientific achievement in Europe from around 1500 remains a historic fact – and one that cries out for explanation.
If we don’t find some way of halting or slowing the daily humiliation cycle, though, the consequences seem obvious